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Postby ionnsaigh » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:43 am

It's Al-Qaeda, the thought foremost in my mind, as the tragic events unfolded in Oslo, and the island youth camp.
Now I like to think of myself as being left wing progressive, yet here I was prejudging with mere conjecture.
Perhaps we have been preconditioned, ready to point the finger of blame, on our Arab cousins ( at least the ones who happen to be the enemy of the USA ) Propaganda or rather it's insidious and seductive nature can infiltrate, similar to a speck of rust that corrodes to such an extent that the original is no longer apparent.

What was that quote John Stuart Mill: " One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 "
Ninety Eight in the case of the White Right wing Christian, (Free Mason ) Anders Behring Breivik, and surprisingly not our Arab Pakistani pet hate figure.

Like the Arabs, Socialism has suffered, perhaps not to the same degree, as it's without that added repulsive racism, attached to poor Mohamed and friends..........
No wait a minute we are White Christians, we don't plant bombs and kill innocent people, well at least not like those nasty Arabs, well that's what some would like to think, however the reality of the matter is akin to that speck of rust, it's corruptible and cancerous on any moral bearing, one might have or enjoy.

One wonders how many good folk share Mr Breivik's views on Multiculturalism, those that see this as a negative trait in society, and it's subsequent cultural development, those patriots who emphasise dilution as opposed to growth and richness of the gene pool.
Perhaps it's Marxism that some find unpalatable, rendered incomprehensibly bigoted, either by the red under the bed
scare, or other such false fed nonsense perpetuated by the Murdoch's of this world.
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Re: Norway

Postby MPR » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:17 pm

was he too scared to shoot those not of the white race?????
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Re: Norway

Postby four eyes » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:49 pm

I think one act of this nature by a right wing nut,is hardly on the scale of Islamic terrorism Ions. I don't think you can count the amount lost daily to Islamic based terror. Maybe those of us living amongst large ethnic groups see things differently from those who are not. I suspect the majority of British citizens irrespective of colour have had enough of immigration and multiculturalism. Look at the creaking framework of the UK and tell me its all good,yes we all like a curry etc but when your kids in a minority at school and you feel like a stranger in your own land enough is enough.
Oh yea im married to a Jamaican so dont even go there! I know more about racism than most.
As some one once said "By their acts you shall know them" or even" you only need to look out of your window to know the ways of the world"

Here in Londonstan we see things in a different light,that dose not mean we have a hatred for others, we just dont want to live in a mini version of another country.
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Re: Norway

Postby MPR » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:49 pm

Here in Londonstan we see things in a different light,that dose not mean we have a hatred for others, we just dont want to live in a mini version of another country.[/quote]

I quite agree FE, if I moved to another country, say Bolivia, would I not be expected to learn the language and the law of that land to be able to function in that society.
While I am not against emmigration or immigration, I believe that one should be mindful that you are entering a new culture and be prepared to live there as a functioning member of that society.
As an aside, was reading an article yesterday that said Islamabad pakistan was one of the cheapest places on earth to retire to. Bet you would have to toe the line there.
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Re: Norway

Postby four eyes » Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:49 pm

You said it,try letting the Mrs walk around with a crop top on and its a stoning for sure.Funny how they want equal rights here but we cant have any say in their countries of origin.No wonder the far right is on the rise,if they weren't such total numbskull's they would probably get voted in. Interesting how some things happening right now mirror the events that led to the rise of the Nazi party.Dont think it cant happen again,as the events in Yugoslavia not so long ago show us how a madness can grip people once they start to believe they are threatened or not being listened to by those in power.
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Re: Norway

Postby MPR » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:42 pm

FE political correctness will end up being the downfall of nations, that along with the religious fervour that grips groups from muslim to evangelicals will cause nothing but pain and suffering for many, but when I become supreme ruler of all, this crap will cease.
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Re: Norway

Postby four eyes » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:01 pm

mmmmmmmmm,is that not the guy in Norways problem?
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Re: Norway

Postby four eyes » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:39 pm

This should provoke some response i trust.

Sharks Are Not Misunderstood Dolphins, and Islam Is Not a Religion of Peace
By Kevin DuJan

I've often been told rumors from very old, wise people about a time, long before I was born, when "Saturday Night Live" was both funny and relevant. It's hard to believe, but in those unimaginably distant days deep into the past, Chevy Chase played a Land Shark who wore various disguises in attempts to break into people's apartments and eat them. When subterfuge and gimmicks failed, he just lied and told various idiots he was a dolphin.

[Knock, knock]

"Who's there? It's not that Land Shark I've heard about, is it?"

"Nope. Just a candygram, Ma'am."

"Candygram? I've never heard of such a thing. I think you are that Land Shark."

"No, Ma'am. I am just a misunderstood dolphin."

"A dolphin? Well, okay then. No cause for alarm if you are only a dolphin. I certainly wouldn't want to appear to be species-ist by having reservations about trusting a dolphin."

In case you haven't seen it in late-night reruns, that scene ends with a monstrous foam shark head bursting through the door to devour Jane Curtin, Gilda Radner, Laraine Newman, Lily Tomlin, and other unsuspecting New York City victims in one hungry gulp.

Whenever there's a new Islamic terrorist attack somewhere in the world (and that's somewhat redundantly phrased because just about the only terrorist attacks that occur in this world are Islamic, unless of course you have heard of murder sprees the Amish and Buddhists often go on whenever someone draws a cartoon they don't like or names a dog after a self-proclaimed prophet they revere...oh wait, no, those are Muslims who do that, as usual...never mind), I always think of this dusty old SNL skit. The American media deliberately plays the role of stunned bystander shocked that there really was a Land Shark at the door.

The idiots.

No matter how many times the delusional fools in the American media try to convince you otherwise, sharks are not misunderstood dolphins, and Islam is not a religion of peace.

I think that even the media knows this, on some level, because I've noticed that few journalists ever cover Islamic terror attacks the way they'd report on other murder sprees and tragedies committed by non-Muslims.

In the case of the latter, great effort is made to explain precisely why someone like Jared Lee Loughner picked up a gun, killed six, and injured a dozen more in his assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. His parents, friends, teachers, distant relatives, acquaintances, and kindergarten teacher, and a kid who sat next to him for an hour and a half on the ride to summer camp fifteen years ago, are all scrutinized for clues into his behavior, then blamed for being bad influences on him. The media stokes an abusive outrage against these people -- the parents in particular -- for not catching the warning signs that could have prevented these murders. Simultaneously, the media and the left join together in politicizing the tragedy, invoking Rahm Emanuel's corollary to the Alinsky Rules for Radicals that no good crisis should go to waste. This means that in addition to the people a murderer like Loughner actually knew, the entire conservative movement in this country must also be held responsible for this single man's actions, including people Loughner never met, spoke to, or even knew much about, like Governor Sarah Palin.

When a Muslim commits an act of mass-murdering terrorism, in contrast, the left does not camp out in front of the shooter/assassin/bomber's home and scrutinize every person he ever in his life came in contact with and blame them all for his actions. Instead, the media personalities report on acts of terrorism the way they do shark attacks.

When great whites gobble a surfer or menace a beach somewhere, the media runs footage of vacationers running screaming from the water, family members of the victims shocked and in tears huddled together by the lifeguard station, and plenty of stock footage of ambulances racing to hospitals with helicopters overhead surveying the carnage.

No effort is made to track down the family of the sharks responsible for the attacks, and not much effort at all is made to get inside the mind of the sharks to figure out why they did what they did, or to pretend Governor Palin was behind it after all, just as everyone in the media suspected. Palin is behind everything, you know, except the things the media likes, which she's singlehandedly responsible for making less likable just because she's breathing. Always breathing, somewhere, living rent-free in the media's nightmares.

There is no attempt in the media to connect shark attacks to any political ideology, because the sharks are of course brutes composed entirely of teeth, fins, and bite, churning the waters with blood, guts, and foam because that's just what sharks do. Everyone accepts that, even the most delusional bleeding hearts in the media ranks.

Sharks are just animals. Animals like sharks kill people sometimes. It's horrific and frightening, but there's no one to blame. After a day in the headlines, it's back to reporting on how terrible the Tea Party is and how Governor Palin hunts werewolves from helicopters she, Todd, and her children make themselves in their backyard in Wasilla -- or some other nonsense the likes of Ashley Judd are bound to parrot at the next red-carpet gala. "Did you hear what Sarah Palin did now?" Because the entire Palin family has been ascribed everything the media elite detest about regular, hardworking Americans, including the twisted fixation the media has on the conceit that these regular Americans are virulent racists.

But have you realized how intensely condescending and bigoted the left is toward Muslims in all of its reporting? The actions of a non-Muslim mass murderer like Loughner are pinned on everyone he ever met (and conservatives like Governor Palin whom he never in fact met), but the carnage caused by Muslims and sharks alike isn't blamed on anyone or anything and just chalked up to "tragedy." Nothing more to see here, just move along now, and stay out of the water or don't get on an airplane for a while, and you'll be just fine.

The reason terrorist attacks are reported on with the same style of coverage reserved for shark attacks is because the left sees both sharks and Muslims as just dumb animals who do what they do, unexpectedly, in gruesome fashion, without any blame assigned for their actions.

Sharks aren't people who can be held accountable for what they do -- and neither are Muslims in the eyes of the left.

When is the last time you saw MSNBC devote hour-long news specials to the parents, friends, teachers, and other relatives of Muslim terrorists responsible for mass murders and assorted bombings? When was the last time CNN scheduled an in-depth look into the Koran and the very clear recipes for murder and mayhem contained in its instructive pages? Probably about the last time the Discovery Channel set aside a night of Shark Week to explore the familial relations of the deep's apex predators and why their behavior is influenced by blowfish with chalkboards or barracudas who put targets on treasure maps at the bottom of the sea.

If a big story about some explosive, horrific event comes knocking at the door, rest assured the New York Times and rest of the dinosaur media will first ask if a Muslim's involved before they decide on the course and tone of their coverage.

If it's a member of the "Religion of Peace" who blew dozens to pieces, then the trusty old shark attack template for reporting is dusted off, with no blame assigned to anyone or anything for this lone animal's aggressive actions.

If it's anyone at all with a link to conservatism who held the gun or lit the fuse, especially anyone connected to Governor Palin, no matter how remotely, then the story is covered obsessively, for months, with the full resources of the Gray Lady dumped into an indictment of every Republican less than a thousand miles away from the scene of the crime.

It is as predictable and tired as a stale old "Saturday Night Live" skit.

Only it's half as funny, and ten times as stomach-turningly tragic.

Kevin DuJan is the editor of Hillbuzz.

An interesting piece i thought.
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Re: Norway

Postby ionnsaigh » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:49 pm

In many respects the term Multiculturalism is inappropriate, and misleading, at least if we accept that culture is in itself, a living breathing and changing manifestation, of any given society.
Yes tradition history music art all have their respective places within, however they themselves are subjected to external/internal influences, and subsequent change. One cannot demand a cultural exclusion zone, and put up the barriers when cultures appear to clash. Undoubtedly the dominant form will swallow up the weaker ........ however even this, is subject to change development and growth. The British culture has eroded and contained our own culture, to such an extent - that we have difficulty in defining whats what, and who's who.
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Re: Norway

Postby four eyes » Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:05 pm

You are correct to an extent,normally cultures change over an extended time frame,many centuries not in a generation.Never before have we seen and been expected to put up with this level of immigration,never before have the infrastructure and services of the country been subjected to such massive change and demand on them. It was never properly planned for,we were never asked,it was hidden behind a tissue of lies and most people were happy to ignore it as long as the problem was not in their neighbourhood.
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Re: Norway

Postby ionnsaigh » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:54 pm

Devil's Advocate.
I've had a wee bit of time evaluating my last one dominant culture, obliterating the other.
No no no no....... Parts of The Norse culture are alive and kicking in the North of Scotland, as is the Cockney culture in London. Where it's fair to say that Scotland's culture, has been subjected to the more aggressive British brand, to say that any of these have been totally extinguished, would be an error of judgement.
As for London well, if a Scot where to emigrate to another land ( England ) he or she would be expected to recognise and exert good manners, by not voicing negative opinion, in much the same way as a Jamaican or Pakistani.

How many times has one heard, everything is becoming Americanised over here in Scotland, or the UK.
However when one looks at America, the culture of indigenous peoples from Alaska, is greatly different from those of fellow Americans in Hawaii or Texas.
The Catholic Christian culture of Ireland was once described as a thin veneer - one only has to scratch the surface to reveal the Gael. National identity is an important feature - in the make-up of who we are - and where we come from.
However some aspects of culture contain in built prejudices, that reflect discrimination against Women ( Islam ) while others are class orientated, such as the caste system in Indian culture.

We all react differently to the threat of change, some progressively some reactionary ......... Where does the reader sit more comfortably - within the ranks of the English Defense League, or with those that embrace the diversity of cultures.
(Separate the Wheat from the Chaff ) from our own culture first... Then have the manners to allow the English a similar choice.
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Re: Norway

Postby four eyes » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:36 pm

Can i have that again in plain English?
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Re: Norway

Postby ionnsaigh » Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:17 pm

four eyes wrote:Funny how they want equal rights here but we cant have any say in their countries of origin.

Correct me if I happen to be wrong............ Your own country of origin is Scotland, which has a separate and distinct culture from either British or English culture....... The reality of the matter .......

MPR wrote:I believe that one should be mindful that you are entering a new culture and be prepared to live there as a functioning member of that society.

Absolutely and as a functional member of that society, one should have a view regarding that societies culture.
However and as you have correctly highlighted, one should bear in mind, that you are entering a new culture.
Hence the contradiction.
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Re: Norway

Postby four eyes » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:50 am

your still not making sense,spell it out in language that's understandable to the common man.
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Re: Norway

Postby ionnsaigh » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:44 am

Indigenous Londoners = Green Grapes
Immigrant Londoners = Black Grapes

Some of the green grapes complain about the black grapes, too many of them, they cry - the label on the box clearly states Green Grapes, and that's what we are comfortable with.
Green grapes can't share the box with black ones, say the green grape defense league, racists and the like.
Ironically some of the black grapes agree.
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