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How to motivate a teenager starting running?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:20 pm
by lornamac
Hi. I am doing the half marathon this year, having done a fair bit of running in the past. My 15 year old son, in a rash moment, has decided to train for the 10k for his Physical Activity part of Duke of Edinburgh Award. He is generally quite fit but has never done any serious running. I am concerned that he may be put off the first time he goes out and tries to sprint a couple of miles (which I am sure is the way he will start). Any tips on how to get him going more sensibly, and does anyone know of other kids training for the 10k (Tarbert or lochgilphead ??).

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:38 pm
by Tarbert Mags
Why not get in touch with the Jog Scotland groups - there are ones in both Tarbert and Lochgilphead. These tend to be predominantly women but there are men as well. There may be extra forms etc required as he is under 16, but it should be OK. Try emailing for more info and advice on the local groups. At the very minimum this would give your son a structured training plan to follow, plus a bit of company for his training. There may even be other folk his age there.

Good Luck to you both with your training.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:44 pm
by DJD
If you don't have much success with what Tarbert Mags suggests,why don't you become his coach and train together after gathering information to suit his potential.It should make and be fun for you both.