Local donations help purchase new furniture for hospital.

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Local donations help purchase new furniture for hospital.

Postby Kintyre Forum News » Thu Jul 11, 2019 5:59 pm

The staff at Campbeltown hospital have purchased new furniture for the Rowan room in the acute ward. This has been possible due to the generous donations from the local community.

The Rowan room is situated in the middle of the ward and this allows patients and their families to use this for their comfort. They have bought a sofa bed and 2 comfortable armchairs and this will allow families to stay in the hospital when they want to be with their relative.

Catriona Watt Local Area Manager said “ All the staff in the acute ward are so grateful to the local community for their most generous contributions and are always looking at what we can do to promote the patients and their families comfort."

In the picture are some nursing, medical and domestic staff that make up the team.
2019-07-11 Campbeltown Hospital.JPG
2019-07-11 Campbeltown Hospital.JPG (77.01 KiB) Viewed 10449 times
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